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Demand accountability and transparency. Take action.


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Read Greater greater Washington

Join with the effort of the staff at Greater Greater Washington to demand reform. It’s a simple step to help support low income housing and slow gentrification.

Get the word out

It’s easy to send the signal that something is wrong. Download and print out a bumper sticker, share them with friends! The following templates will help make the process easier. Just upload them to StickerMule or any other printer.

7.5 x 3.5 Bumper Sticker

Download .png

Download .ai

5x5 Square Sticker

Download .png

Download .ai


Contact your Representative

Find the contact information of your ANC representative here. If you don’t know your ANC number look it up here. Try this zinger: “historic preservation laws are far more protective of buildings than of the tenants inside them” (from Displacement: How to Fight It, 1982).

Attend a hPRb meeting

The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) holds regular meetings. Show up and let them know how you feel. Talk to a commissioner! Find more information here.